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- Amanda Christensen - 


I have worked professionally in the field of Holistic Natural Therapies, Intuitive Massage

& Rebirthing Breathwork for over 25 years facilitating the Healing of others, while

calling on a range of practices that have evolved into my own unique and deeply transformative style.


I work intuitively with both the physical & subtle bodies, I promise to hold a graceful, compassionate, safe and supportive space for you to go beyond the physical to assist you to come home to your authentic self.

The holistic & integrative bodywork along with rebirthing breathwork and shamanic practices that I use is an invitation into a deeper appreciation of your own incarnate healing experience.


- Some of my practices include -


- Rebirthing Breathwork

- Traditional Hawaiian Massage

- Integrative Energy Healing


My journey is always unfolding and I enjoy the creative process and the authentic work it produces.

I have experienced the deep medicine of this powerful transformational work.

My progress and life experience with Breathwork puts me in a position to authentically support you in your journey.


Our body is the most intimate and precious thing we will ever own & must love it as a divine temple.


I believe we all have the innate ability and inner wisdom to heal ourselves

and to create our own health, happiness and well-being,

to release our own stories from a cellular, ancestral and karmic level.


I am on a souls Journey just like every one else, the more I learn about myself

the greater the depth of my work, getting to know & feeling strong within myself to share my many years of experience and to create a deeply sacred, safe, supportive, nurturing and fun environment.


In my years of walking my own healing path I have found that this work bridges a beautiful deep relationship with self, like nothing else I have experienced.















My other loves and passions are in providing healing, high vibrational food & nourishment as a Retreat Cook

& Co hosting Amazing retreat experiences.


( head to Wild Earth KITCHEN or Wild Earth RETREATS for more info )





Overcoming any life experience on this human journey is best achieved when there is

honest conversation, heart-to-heart listening

and unconditional love.





When harmony and balance is lacking the effect is pain physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Illness is a state of tension, which leads to resistance which blocks energy movement.

Lomi Lomi helps release these and therefore has the mana ( power ) to facilitate a supported space

for you in creating your own pathway to your healing journey.

On the physical level through Lomi Lomi, stress and tension are relieved, blood and lymph flow assisted

and the elimination of wastes and toxins stimulated.


This flowing style of Hawaiian bodywork includes long fluid rhythmic strokes over the whole body with the hands 

 knuckles & forearms and sometimes the elbows. (Here we use the hands as an extension of the heart).  

Under body and full body strokes also help to free the energy, make the body soft, promoting free and abundant flow of life energy in the recipient.

Gentle stretches of the body and gentle rotations of the joints are also incorporated to assist the release of tensions and assist the flow of energy, once again not forcing, but feeling the level of the clients resistance or comfort. 

By not working on areas in isolation a deep sense of balance and harmony is achieved.

The client on the table is not viewed as someone to be fixed, but a being to be returned to harmony and balance. It is important to remember that the practitioner does not heal but is the facilitator for the healing.


** This treatment can be as light or deep in pressure as you the client needs, this is your treatment !


60 minutes - 90 minutes - 2 hours - 2.5 hours


Please reach out for prices and availability


I believe there are no limits - please connect if you have been impacted by any hardship and we can arrange some form of exchange for your session 



Some Benefits of Lomi Lomi


Opens the heart 

- Lymphatic Drainage

- Improves circulation 

 - Releases blocked energy and emotions 

- Healing for mind, body and spirit

- Stimulates immune systems

- Stimulates respiratory system 

- Stimulates digestive system 

- Relaxes the mind, recharges the body

- Nurtures, calms and restores balance & vitality from a wholistic perspective
















Are you ready to journey into the Medicine of BREATH​



Rebirthing Breathwork is an active breathing process that inspires access to your full potential for joy,

aliveness and peace in life.


Created by Leonard Orr, Rebirthing Breathwork is a profound healing journey using intentional, cyclical nose breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system to allow the body to feel safe and rested.

In this state of ‘rest + digest’ you will re-experience your first breath and the body will intuitively repair and heal.  Rebirthing Breathwork sessions allow us to heal unprocessed, unintegrated emotions and memories can surface for deep healing.


The process of long and careful attention to the circular breath technique exposes multiple layers of inhibitions and unconscious patterns of defences that have developed from birth and throughout your life that have blocked your pleasure and aliveness. You can neutralize and integrate whatever surfaces by simply breathing through it even as you maintain present awareness and know that you are safe.


Throughout the session, your breath is the key to:

  • bringing an immediate realization of the issues that take you backwards instead of forward and releases them.

  • dissolving any resistance you might have to experiencing your strength and pre-birth purity of being.

  • connecting to the main strength inside you, which is life.

  • accepting that an ideal condition of life is possible.

  • surfacing old records that need processing.



A minimum of 10 Rebirthing Breathwork sessions is recommended by founder, Leonard Orr, to unlock the breathing mechanism which encourages the physical, energetic, emotional and mental body to return to a state of ease,

expansion and freedom.


One on One single 90 minute session 


One on One 10 X 90 minute sessions  ( highly recommended )


One on One  10 x 90 minute Water Breath sessions ( face to face only ) This is a residential style retreat 


Please reach out for prices and availability


I believe there are no limits - please connect if you have been impacted by any hardship and we can arrange some form of exchange for your sessions


All sessions are either via Zoom or in person


All 10 breathwork sessions must be completed within a 12 week timeline


Upgrades are available after your first session


 ( Online Group Session dates to be announced )  



All Rebirthing Breathwork sessions are to be prepaid to secure your space

 to value your commitment to both yourself and Amanda.

 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your booking, sessions cancelled anytime after the 24hrs

will be charged the full session fee.



Through My Own Personal Journey with Rebirthing Breathwork, I have experienced the deep medicine of this powerful work. 

My progress and life experience with Breathwork puts me in a position to authentically support you in your journey. 

In my years of walking my own healing path I have found that this work bridges a beautiful deep relationship with self,

like nothing else I have experienced.





























 To book a one on one session or for more information  - email me here


Book me in

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